The First 3 Weeks of our CSA…including recipes!

Reblogged from Growing Food and Sustainability

We just finished week 3 of our very first CSA (Community Support Agriculture) program ever!  Take a look at what our 11 CSA members have enjoyed so far this summer, plus recipe ideas for you to try at home!


Week 1: green onions, a garlic scape, red russian kale, chives, red onions, and salad mix (lettuce and pea shoots)




Week 2: kale, purslane, garlic scapes, salad mix (lettuce, beet greens, and baby swiss chard), and cilantro.  Cilantro was generously donated by our friends at FH King Students for Sustainable Agriculture, the UW student farm that our program director, Natalie, also works for!


3Week 3: kale, garlic scapes, lettuce mix, Swiss chard, chives, snap peas, broccoli greens, and mint


  • One of our CSA members recommended this Garlic Scape Carbonara recipe.
  • Never eaten broccoli greens before?  Cook them like you would collards or try-out this recipe for Sauteed Broccoli Greens.  Let us know what you think!

Enjoy your eating 🙂

The Youth Farm Team


Apply for a Youth Farm or Education Internship!

Reblogged from: Growing Food and Sustainability

Spring is in the air!  Even though it feels spring is miles away, this month we have a made leaps and bounds in our summer planning.

Our summer internship application is LIVE! This year we have TWO separate internships: youth farm interns and education interns.

  • Youth Farm Interns will launch our NEW CSA, manage all farm maintenance and projects and run BIKE POWERED compost pick up and produce deliveries.
  • Education Interns will DEVELOP curriculum for multiple age groups from ages 5 to 13, LEAD summer garden camp activities and ORGANIZE group bike rides to the Middleton Food Pantry.
  • Also, all of our interns will PARTICIPATE in weekly INTERN CLASSES on organic farming practices, curriculum planning, the green economy, environmental justice and anti-oppression.

If you are interested, check out the poster below to learn how to apply!


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What A Yard Can Be

By: Anthony
Reblogged from Let’s Go Chicago!

The act of owning property is profound in that you become responsible for stewarding this one piece of our big old Earth. It is bizarre in that you can hide it, you can build a fence around it and tell people to stay away.

You can let just grass grow, which is not only boring, but “the amount of carbon dioxide emitted from lawn-related maintenance is four times the amount of carbon naturally collected and stored by the lawn itself.”

As our Summer of Solutions program has ended, as we look to Fall and to the next year, those of us at LETS GO Chicago are taking a moment to reflect before we dream up our future. As I harvested tomatoes (my favorite!) in our CSA garden today, I couldn’t escape the feeling that I was in an exceptional space–that what was around me was not only beautiful, but full of life, engaging–a shared space that many people love together.Image Continue reading